Certificate of Emergency Management


The Hartwell Quest (HQ) 12-unit Certificate of Emergency Management* prepares students for emergency and disaster response as a ministry of local churches and parachurch organizations.

“This is my commandment, that you love one another as I have loved you.” – John 15:12 (ESV)


EMG 203: Introduction to Emergency Management (3 units)

This course presents the theories, principles, and approaches to emergency management. It discusses the scope and magnitude of recent disasters and their impact on society, as well as introduces the student to hazard mitigation, preparedness, response, and recovery. An analysis of past disasters will be presented, along with their impacts on policy formation leading up to the current Homeland Security/FEMA all-hazards approach.

EMG 213: Individual & Community Disaster Preparedness (3 units)

This course presents the rationale for disaster preparedness in the context that citizens and families can take measures to prepare for disasters in their communities. The course covers disaster response and preparedness, civilian perception of disasters, disaster education models and community planning preparedness education.

EMG 223: Fundamentals of Faith-Based Disaster Response Efforts (3 units)

This course examines biblical perspectives of disaster response and recovery within the scope of a Christian worldview of humanitarian aid and assistance. Also covered is an introduction to international disaster relief and utilization of technologically advanced means of logistical support.

EMG 303: Building Disaster Resilient Communities (3 units)

This course presents building resilience to disasters as one of the primary goals of emergency management and develops skills in designing programs to achieve it. The course emphasizes resilience as the outcome of a multi-level, multi-dimensional process, which requires emergency managers to integrate standards and procedures to create resiliency and sustainability within local government administrative processes and private-sector decision making.

For additional Smart Courses, please see our catalog.


Save time and money with HQ Smart Courses!

Affordable college credit† through transcription, transfer, or simultaneous enrollment.  Scholarships are available!

If you are interested in earning a college degree, please see our Colleges & Universities page and contact us for details.

For a complete listing of our Smart Courses and certificates, please see the Hartwell Quest Catalog.

Launch your quest today!

*This is a certificate and not a certification.  HQ certificates are granted as awards of achievement for the successful completion of the courses they are comprised of.

†Visit our colleges & universities page for more information on transcription, transfer, or simultaneous enrollment for earning college credit or degrees. HQ is not accredited and does not grant college credit or degrees.